International Defensive Pistol Association
Information and Results
Shoots are held the first Sunday of each month April - November.
Set Up takes place on the Saturday before the Match from 10:00 am until complete. Set up volunteers shoot for free
Day of shoot: Sign up at 9 am, shooters meeting at 9:45 and first shots at 10 am.
Youth under 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Match Fee: $15
Additional Gun / Division: $5
Additional Information: Appendix holsters ARE allowed
IDPA is the use of practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated real world self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. IDPA is an entry level action shooting sport that welcomes shooters of all capabilities and shooting backgrounds.
Before attending an IDPA match at the UCOA please familiarize yourself with the rules which may be found at You don't need to read the whole book but be aware of the "shooting rules" and the "equipment rules".
The UCOA also has club rules that apply:
1) UCOA is a "cold" range, firearms SHALL remain unloaded until such time as directed to load and make ready by the SAFETY OFFICER. Please unload your weapon at your vehicle BEFORE entering the grounds.
2) Firearms may only be handled in a designated "SAFE AREA" anyone found handling a weapon anywhere else will be IMMEDIATELY disqualified and asked to leave the grounds. NO ammunition is allowed in a designated "SAFE AREA".
3) No "HIGH MUZZLES" any firearm pointed over the berm will result in an immediate disqualification.
Items you will need for a match:
1) A firearm, semi-automatic .380, 9mm, .40 S&W, .357 sig, 45 acp, 10mm, or a revolver .38 special or larger.
2) At least 3 magazines or speed loading devices.
3) Eye and ear protection.
4) A holster that securely retains the firearm and covers the entire trigger guard (AIWB) IS allowed.
5) A magazine/speed loader carrier that will hold a minimum of 2 reloading devices.
6) Some type of loose cover garment.
7) At lease 100 rounds of ammo.